24ωρη Γραμματεία Ιατρείου 210 6994954


Liposuction is the ideal way to treat local fat deposites giving a quick and permanent solution. It has been used successfully for millions of cases world wide and it is the gold standard for local fat reduction and body reshaping.

Liposculpture is a step beyon, where fat is transferred from one area of ​​the body to another in order to redistribute the volumes and improve the shape. Today, it is one the most famous procedures in plastic surgery.


  • It does not require in-patient hospitalization
  • It is done with local anesthesia
  • Short recovery time
  • The most effective and permanent solution to the problem of local fat
  • Painless and completely safe
  • Great results


*Aesthetic plastic surgery is performed in well organized and equipped places according to national standards of safety. Although there is a very low incidence of complications in these kind of procedures, the possibility of getting such still exists because of the nature of the speciality and the anesthetic risks.
