24ωρη Γραμματεία Ιατρείου 210 6994954

Chin surgery (genioplasty)

We can increase the chin projection by inserting a silicone implant with a minor op under general anesthesia in the clinic or using an injectable filler, like fat, hyaluronic acid, or hydroxylapatite (Radiesse) under local anesthesia in an office-based procedure.

Digital study of the postop result

As we feel that it is important to have an idea of the expected outcome of rhinoplasty or a genioplasty operation, and how this can affect your profile, we offer you a digital study with an accuracy of up to 90-95%


*Aesthetic plastic surgery is performed in well organized and equipped places according to national standards of safety. Although there is a very low incidence of complications in these kind of procedures, the possibility of getting such still exists because of the nature of the speciality and the anesthetic risks.